Katso REMIX 2010 -tapahtuma
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REMIX 2010 tuo
jälleen parhaimmat palat kansainvälisine puhujineen Las Vegasin MIX10 -tapahtumasta Suomeen.
Tapahtuma on suunnattu
käyttöliittymäsuunnittelijoille, digi- ja graafisen alan
ammattilaisille sekä webkehittäjille - kaikille jotka ovat
kiinnostuneita webin uusimmista teknologioista sekä
tulevaisuuden näkymistä. Tapahtuman luennot ovat helposti
seurattavia ja ovat hyvä inspiraation lähde myös niille, jotka
eivät ole aikaisemmin tutustuneet Microsoftin
Muuttaako pilvipalvelut
käyttöliittymäsuunnittelua? Miten saada organisaation ideat
mutkattomasti webiin? Miten SketchFlow, Expression Blend,
Silverlight 4 and Silverlight for Windows Phone helpottavat
työtä? Mitä IE9 ja HTML5 tuovat tullessaan?
antaa valmiudet muodostaa paremman käsityksen siitä, ovatko
esitetyt tuotteet ja teknologiat relevantteja omassa työssä,
ja voisiko niitä hyödyntää. IE9 koskettaa kaikkia kehittäjiä
ja tuoteryhmän edustaja antaa hyvän mahdollisuuden kysyä
suoraan sylttytehtaalta.
Tervetuloa mukaan
inspiroitumaan! Tapahtuma on maksuton mutta paikkoja
rajoitetusti. Tapahtuma on englanninkielinen.
- 9:30 |
and Light Breakfast |
- 10:00 |
Keynote |
- 11:15 |
venturing Design
techniques for identifying, developing and evaluating
business opportunities
This session will cover
several case studies and best practices from the
Microsoft Pioneer Studios, a design venture team that is
chartered with developing new consumer businesses for
Microsoft. Learn how to harvest insights, translate them
into value propositions and build products around core
brand ideas. Examples include ventures in emerging
markets and mobile devices. Q&A to follow.
Speaker: Georg Petschnigg |
- 13:15 |
Super Powers with Expression Blend 4
Studio and Silverlight have come a long way. We are not
in version 4 and it is full of powerful and
sophisticated new additions that will help you produce
UI intensive experiences in fun and creative ways never
seen before. Discover for example PathListBox to order
and animate objects along a path of any shape creating
all sorts of creative UI metaphors without the need to
code. We will also review the use of Expression Blend to
design Windows Phone 7 applications and learn practical
tips on prototyping with SketchFlow and using design
tools like Expression Design.
New Rich UI Tools
in Expression Blend 4 Designing Windows Phone 7 Apps
with Expression Blend SketchFlow
Techniques Photoshop | Illustrator | Expression
Speaker: Arturo Toledo |
- 14:45 |
Explorer and HTML5 - A Lap Around Windows Internet
Explorer 9 For Developers Internet
Explorer 9 contains many new features that give
developers many new options for building rich Web
applications. From enhanced features like the developer
tools and or support for more DOM interactivity -
Internet Explorer 9 is the browser you've been asking
for. We take a dive into these features and learn how
you can take advantage of brand new HTML5, Canvas, SVG,
ECMAScript 5 and much more.
Speaker: Pete LePage
- 16:30 |
Website's Life: From Sketch to Publishing
this session we will introduce you to WebMatrix, a new,
free, fully featured, easy to install ASP.NET and PHP
development tool that helps you build websites that
leverage the power of popular community web applications
like WordPress, Joomla! or Drupal and to get them
published with one click. We will also show you a new,
breakthrough script syntax for ASP.NET called *Razor*
which will help you creating dynamic websites incredibly
easy. We will take you all the way from
sketching/wireframing your website, doing visual design
work in Expression Design and then into experiencing the
rich development toolset in WebMatrix.
Sketching your Experience. - Designing a Template
with Expression Design - Introducing WebMatrix -
WebPI and Web App Gallery - ASP.NET with *new* Razor
Speaker: Arturo Toledo |
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www.facebook.com/kaunisweb |
Georg Petschnigg is a
co-founder at the Microsoft Pioneer Studios, a design
venture team that develops new consumer business. He
lead the incubation of Courier, a digital journal, and
worked in emerging markets, new technologies, as well as
with established brands like the New York Times and
For over 10 years he has developed
products including Office 2007, consumer electronics,
rich web applications, HDTV and invented in the areas of
digital photography and visualization. Georg holds a
M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Product Design from
Stanford University and a B.A. in Computer Engineering
and Economics from Columbia University. He currently
lives in New York City |
Toledo is a Sr. Product Manager at Redmond
working with the Web Platform team. He is responsible
for research, product development and community
engagement for Microsoft Web development products like
WebMatrix. He is an active member of the UX community in
Microsoft. Arturo studied architecture at La Salle
University in Mexico City, did additional media and
visualization studies at the University of Arizona. Post
graduation, Arturo applied his multimedia design and
development skills and founded Milton Frank Studio, a
boutique interactive development studio.
You can
follow Arturo on his blog ux.artu.tv. |
LePage works at Microsoft on the Internet
Explorer team as a Senior Product Manager, helping
developers take advantage of the web platform in
Internet Explorer. LePage has been designing websites
since his early days in high school, evolving from
overlapping, and tags on GeoCities to properly styled
CSS, managed hosted websites. Prior to joining the
product management team, LePage was a tester on
Microsoft's Visual Web Developer where he tested much of
the web design experience.
In addition to his
career at Microsoft, LePage enjoys travelling and is an
avid film photographer; he has studied and taught at the
prestigious Photographic Center Northwest in Seattle
where he has recently completed his Thesis in Fine Art
LePage keeps an irregular blog at
PeteLePage.com. | |
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