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Civil society at the forefront
– ensuring local ownership in civilian crisis management
13:00 Welcome
Juho Särkilä, Director, CMC Finland
13:05 Keynote Speeches
Moderator: Jyrki Ruohomäki, Chief Senior Specialist, Head of Research,
Development and Situational Awareness, CMC Finland
Localized knowledge and inclusive expertise:
Community-level engagement in civilian crisis management
Gretchen Baldwin, Researcher, SIPRI
Gretchen Baldwin is a Researcher in the SIPRI Peace Operations and
Conflict Management Programme, where her work primarily focuses on
gender-responsive peace operations and conflict management. Prior to
joining SIPRI, Gretchen spent three-and-a-half years at the
International Peace Institute (New York, NY) where she led the Women,
Peace, and Security team’s peace operations research track. Gretchen is
currently based in Sweden and has worked previously in the United
States, Cameroon, Rwanda, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
How International NGOs Can Enhance Local Ownership in Ukraine
Dr. Tetiana Kyselova, Associated Researcher, swisspeace
Tetiana Kyselova is Associate Professor at the Department of
International Relations, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Ukraine; director and
founder of the Mediation and Dialogue Research Center; Senior Advisor to
the Ukrainian Community of Dialogue Practitioners. Dr. Kyselova holds a
DPhil from the University of Oxford and a PhD from the Academy of
Sciences of Ukraine. She has been working with peacebuilding civil
society and professional community of mediators in Ukraine since 1990s
advising them on the strategies of peacebuilding, self-regulation,
training, methodology of mediation and dialogue. Her research interests
include conflict transformation, peacebuilding, mediation and dialogue.
Claus Lindroos, Director, Centre for Peace Mediation, MFA
14:00 Break
14:30 Panel discussion: Building peace - How can local and international
actors work together today and tomorrow?
Moderator: Satu Turpeinen, Training Specialist, CMC Finland
Paula Pättikangas, Chair, Finnish Youth, Peace and Security Network
Rami Kolehmainen, civilian crisis management expert
Elisa Tarnaala, Senior Advisor, CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation
Tanja Viikki, Senior Adviser on Peace and Reconciliation, FELM
Anne Palm, Executive Director, Wider Security Network (WISE)
15:55 Closing of the seminar
Jyrki Ruohomäki, Chief Senior Specialist, Head of Research, Development
and Situational Awareness CMC Finland