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IN OTHER WOR(L)DS Nordic Dimensions of Multilingualism

Thursday 25.10, 10 am-5 pm + get-together from 5 pm Hanasaari Conference Centre


10:00-10:15 Welcoming words / Norden 2020

10:15-10:30 Rita Paqvalén: Multilingualism and Diversity as a Resource in the Cultural Field, short presentation of the project and its unit Multilingual Month

10:30- 10:50 Sebastian Drude: Promoting multilingualism and language diversity: The Vigdís World Language Centre in Iceland

10:50-11:10 Sofiya Zahova: The position of Roma language in the Nordic Countries and the construction of a digital archive of Roma Literature

11:10-11:30 Johanna Domokos: Sámi literary field in the Nordic countries. Presentation of a report* and recommendations to improve the situation.

11:30-12:00 Discussion among the speakers of the morning: Sebastian Drude, Sofiya Zahova, Johanna Domokos & Helga West. Moderator: Rita Paqvalén

12:00-13:00 Break

13:00-13:20 Husein Muhammed: Presentation of the forth coming report on Nordic- Kurdish literature

13:20-13:55 Discussion about the Kurdish and Somali literary fields. Focus on children, families and growth to multilingualism.

13:55-14:00 Instructions for the next workshops

Streaming ends here

14:30-15:30 workshop 1 (2 options)
a) Anna Váldis and Lara Hoffman: OsPressan a multilingual platform for writers and other creatives in Iceland
b) Playing with languages - Multilingualism in early education in Finland and Sweden

15:35-16:35 workshop 2 (3 options)
a) Digital platforms for learning Sámi OR Sámi language rights. Moderator: Helga West
b) Collaboration between a writer and an editor in non-dominant languages
c) Multilingual libraries and multilingualism in the Nordic libraries – What can we learn from other Nordic libraries? Representatives from multilingual libraries from Finland and other Nordic countries. Moderator: Ylva Larsdotter

16:40-17:00 Concluding remarks