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Kela Conference on Social Security 2019
– Equality and wellbeing through sustainable social security system

Finland´s Presidency of the Council of the European Union – side event

Time: 10.12.2019, 9.00-16.30

Place: Kela Main office building



9:00-9.45          Coffee and Music performance by Vaskivuori Upper Secondary School

9:00-9:30           Info-tour of the Finnish Social Security System 

9:45-10:00         Opening

Tuula Haatainen First Deputy Speaker, Parliament of Finland: Principles and values  of a welfare state

10:00-12:00      Keynotes (streamed online)

Tuula Helne Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Kela: Wellbeing in the time of ecological annihilation

Nina Nissilä Director, Kela: Leading Customer-Centric Digitalization in Social Security Services


Elise Kivimäki Director of Customer Relations, Kela: Together for the best of our customer

Noora Jansson Ph.D., Head of Employment Services, City of Oulu: Leading change through network partnership

12:00-13:00      BREAK


Parallel event 1: Investing in the future - family policies and fertility

Parallel event 2: Reforming social security – all we need is trust and working together for the customer

14.30-15.00     BREAK


Parallel event 3: Customer services in the globalizing and diversifying world

Parallel event 4: Digital transformation with AI and emerging technologies