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Twitter: etkconference

18 May 2018
Finnish Centre for Pensions, Helsinki


12:00 Opening remarks
Francesca Bettio (University of Siena): Unequal Ageing: Understanding and Countering the Gender Gap in Pensions

Katja Möhring (University of Mannheim): The Role of Life Course and Institutional Characteristics for Women’s Old Age Financial Well-being in Europe

13:45 Short Break

14:15 Rense Nieuwenhuis (Stockholm University): Family Policy: The Forgotten Determinant of Economic Inequality among All

Kati Kuitto (Finnish Centre for Pensions): Parental Leaves and Early Career Trajectories in Finland

15:30 Panel discussion: How to tackle gender inequality in pensions?
Anna Rotkirch (Family Federation of Finland), Ilkka Kaukoranta (The Central Organization of Finnish Trade Unions SAK), and Juhana Vartiainen (National Coalition Party)
Chair: Mikko Kautto (Finnish Centre for Pensions).

16:00-17:00 Closing remarks and reception

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